
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Gimena ávalos” ,找到相关结果约325条。
Tarragó,Myriam N; González,Luis R; ávalos,Gimena; Lamamí,Marcelo;
Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-68942010000200004
Abstract: ancient mortuary rites were a complex phenomenon that expressed many different facets of the deceased person's place in his or her society. in this article we analyze the case of grave 11 at la isla de tilcara cemetery, in jujuy province, assigned to the ninth and tenth century ce. the article includes some preliminary results of the technical studies conducted on a set of gold objects found among the grave goods. we also report on the chemical analyses of gold objects from pueblo viejo de la cueva, a site in the same province that has been assigned to the same historical period.
Myriam N Tarragó,Luis R González,Gimena ávalos,Marcelo Lamamí
Boletín del Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino , 2010,
Abstract: Los rituales mortuorios del pasado constituyeron un fenómeno complejo, que expresaba múltiples dimensiones de los roles sociales de los inhumados. Analizamos el caso de la denominada Tumba 11 del cementerio de La Isla de Tilcara, provincia de Jujuy, ubicada tentativamente entre los siglos IX y XI. Se adelantan los resultados de los estudios técnicos realizados sobre un conjunto de piezas de oro incluidas en los materiales de la tumba. También se informa de los análisis químicos de otros objetos de oro, procedentes de Pueblo Viejo de La Cueva, en la misma provincia y asignados al mismo momento histórico. Ancient mortuary rites were a complex phenomenon that expressed many different facets of the deceased person's place in his or her society. In this article we analyze the case of Grave 11 at La Isla de Tilcara cemetery, in Jujuy Province, assigned to the ninth and tenth century CE. The article includes some preliminary results of the technical studies conducted on a set of gold objects found among the grave goods. We also report on the chemical analyses of gold objects from Pueblo Viejo de La Cueva, a site in the same province that has been assigned to the same historical period.
Implementation of Boundary Equations in the Finite Transfer Method
Lazaro Gimena,Pedro Gonzaga,Faustino N. Gimena
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science , 2009,
Emociones en suspenso: maternidad y consumo de pasta base/paco en barrios marginales de Buenos Aires
Gimena Lorenzo,Victoria Castilla
- , 2012,
Abstract: A partir de una investigación etnográfica llevada a cabo en un barrio del área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, caracterizado por altos índice de pobreza, vulnerabilidad y marginalidad, en este texto se describen y analizan, desde la perspectiva de las propias usuarias, las caracterísiticas y formas en que el consumo intensivo de PB/paco moldea las dinámicas emocionales vinculadas con la maternidad. En el marco de esta relación consumo-maternidad, destacamos distintos momentos entre los que se encuentran las "emociones maternales en suspenso" vividas durante el consumo intensivo ("giras"); los malestares emocionales asociados a la "culpa" y la "vergüenza" durante el "bajón"; y las emociones maternales intensificadas asociadas a un intenso apego emocional con los hijos y las hijas, sobre todo cuando comienzan a "rescatarse"
Nutrient Export with Logs, and Release from Residues, after Harvest of a Pinus taeda Plantation in Uruguay  [PDF]
Amabelia del Pino, Jorge Henández, Gimena Arrarte
Open Journal of Forestry (OJF) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ojf.2020.103022
Abstract: In Uruguay, Pinus taeda is usually planted a few months after harvest of the former turn, therefore; decomposing residues represents a nutrient source for the new plantation. The aim of this study was to determine the biomass and nutrient extraction off site, following the harvest of a P. taeda plantation. Residue decomposition patterns, and nutrient release were also examined. The site will be referred as S1, corresponding to the clear cut of a 22-year-old P. taeda plantation. Before the clear cut 10 trees were harvested, and logs, branches, twigs, and needles separately weighed. Additionally, forest litter at harvest time was quantified in three different areas. To assess decomposition, mesh bags with residues were allocated in three areas over the forest litter, and samples were taken periodically for 26 months. The remaining biomass, N, P K, Ca, and Mg contents were determined in the different fractions, calculating decompositon rates. Most of the harvested biomass was removed in logs, but the proportion of nutrients exported was considerably lower. Needles showed the highest biomass loss and only 39.1% remained after 26 months, while branches presented high rates in the first two months after cut, but slower thereafter, and at the end of the study more than two thirds of the woody residues remained. Potassium was rapidly released from the residues, while Ca, and Mg, were slowly released, and there was evidence of N and P immobilization in the early stages of decomposition. It was concluded that, although a lower proportion of nutrients were exported, compared to biomass, in the long term, nutrient export with logs could be significant for the sustainability of this production system. While K release from residues did not depend on biomass decay, the slow decomposition, and release of the other nutrients, indicates that this process could have been delayed by nutrient scarcity.
Curved Beams with Elastic Supports Transfer and Stiffness Matrices
Lazaro Gimena,Pedro Gonzaga,Faustino N. Gimena,Fernando Sarria
Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science , 2010,
La seguridad del paciente en urgencias y emergencias
Tomás,S.; Gimena,I.;
Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra , 2010, DOI: 10.4321/S1137-66272010000200015
Abstract: patient safety is an essential dimension of quality in emergency departments (eds). the incidence of appearance of adverse events in these departments is estimated at between 1.6 and 14% according to different studies and methodologies. the strategies for achieving a safe clinical practice in eds involve policies aimed at improving safety in the use of medication with special emphasis on the administration and on the reconciliation of the medication, as well as on the employment of high risk drugs; on preventing nosocomial infection due to emergency care, with special importance manual hygiene; on improving patient identification; on improving communication and information, especially during patient transfers; on the prevention of specific risks; and, above all, on creating a climate and culture of patient safety in eds. different proactive and reactive tools are available for evaluating patient safety in eds. there is an outstanding need to publish the system of event notification to facilitate analysis of such events and the subsequent development of improvement actions in eds.
First record of the genus Homalodisca (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from Argentina and redescription of the female of H. ignorata
Dellapé,Gimena; Paradell,Susana L.;
Revista de la Sociedad Entomol?3gica Argentina , 2011,
Abstract: the genus homalodisca st?l and the species h. ignorata are recorded for the first time in argentina, from specimens collected in misiones province. this contribution adds diagnostic characters of the female of h. ignorata and compiles information about the geographical distribution and association with diseases of all known species of the genus.
First record of the genus Homalodisca (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from Argentina and redescription of the female of H. ignorata Primer registro del género Homalodisca (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) en Argentina y redescripción de la hembra de H. ignorata
Gimena Dellapé,Susana L. Paradell
Revista de la Sociedad Entomol?3gica Argentina , 2011,
Abstract: The genus Homalodisca St l and the species H. ignorata are recorded for the first time in Argentina, from specimens collected in Misiones province. This contribution adds diagnostic characters of the female of H. ignorata and compiles information about the geographical distribution and association with diseases of all known species of the genus. El género Homalodisca St l y la especie H. ignorata Melichar son citados por primera vez en Argentina, a partir de ejemplares colectados en la provincia de Misiones. En esta contribución, se adicionan caracteres diagnósticos de la hembra de H. ignorata y se reúne información acerca de la distribución geográfica y la asociación con enfermedades de todas las especies conocidas del género.
La seguridad del paciente en urgencias y emergencias Patient safety in emergency care
S. Tomás,I. Gimena
Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra , 2010,
Abstract: La seguridad del paciente es una dimensión de la calidad imprescindible en los servicios de urgencias (SU). La incidencia de aparición de eventos adversos (EA) en dichos servicios se estima entre un 1,6 y un 14% según diferentes estudios y metodologías. Las estrategias para conseguir una práctica clínica segura en los SU pasan por políticas dirigidas a mejorar la seguridad en el empleo de la medicación con especial énfasis en la administración y en la conciliación de la medicación, así como en el empleo de fármacos de alto riesgo; en prevenir la infección nosocomial debida a la atención urgente, con especial importancia a la higiene de manos; en mejorar la identificación de pacientes, en la mejora de la comunicación e información, especialmente durante las transferencias del paciente, en la prevención de riesgos específicos y sobre todo, en crear un clima y una cultura en seguridad del paciente en el SU. Se disponen de diferentes herramientas proactivas y reactivas para valorar la seguridad del paciente en los SU y destaca la necesidad de promulgar los sistemas de notificación de eventos para facilitar su análisis y el posterior desarrollo de acciones de mejora en los SU. Patient safety is an essential dimension of quality in Emergency Departments (EDs). The incidence of appearance of adverse events in these departments is estimated at between 1.6 and 14% according to different studies and methodologies. The strategies for achieving a safe clinical practice in EDs involve policies aimed at improving safety in the use of medication with special emphasis on the administration and on the reconciliation of the medication, as well as on the employment of high risk drugs; on preventing nosocomial infection due to emergency care, with special importance manual hygiene; on improving patient identification; on improving communication and information, especially during patient transfers; on the prevention of specific risks; and, above all, on creating a climate and culture of patient safety in EDs. Different proactive and reactive tools are available for evaluating patient safety in EDs. There is an outstanding need to publish the system of event notification to facilitate analysis of such events and the subsequent development of improvement actions in EDs.

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